My First Reunion
Last night I was with Sephiroth and my brothers with Mother Jenova (whoops, wrong Reunion). Nope, last night was my 5-year high school reunion. It was held at Waterworks in Squantum. It was nice to see some people that I haven't seen since graduation. It wasn't too emotional though; all the people that I was close to in high school I still regularly hang out with. So it was mostly catching up with acquaintances (I dug up my yearbook to help jog my memory). Obviously, seeing it's only been 5 years, not too much has changed with everyone, as all of us are either done with school or finishing up. The 10-year reunion should be much more interesting.
While I wouldn't say the night was fantastic (the dance floor wasn't fully opened because of a bachelorette party going on at the other end of the club, and half my group were fuddieduddies that didn't want to dance), I had a nice time. See, I was very shy in high school (oh wait, I'm still shy), and I honestly didn't know if people would even remember me. But quite a few did, so I'd consider the evening a success.
It brought up quite a few memories: MCAS, dances, proms, playing tag during the football games, the fun teachers, the arsons and the post-Columbine bomb scares (Good times! No, seriously, they were. They got us out of school for the day and I have fond memories of spending time with my friends). Before high school, I was a shy loner who only had a friend or two. But my days at North Quincy High was the first time I had an entire group of people I could call good
friends, so it was a happy time for me instead of the angst-ridden hell it is for a lot of people. Also Adam made it one of the happiest times of my life.
And going off on a completely different tangent, what in God's name is up with that Nick Jr. show Lazytown?? I watched it On Demand on a whim, and I was speechless. The puppets are creepy as hell, and the humans aren't much better. I knew it was popular, but I couldn't figure out why. At least until I saw the actor who plays the superhero (pic on the left--he's got ice-blue eyes and a sweet Icelandic accent). Now I know why moms are so eager to watch this show with their kids! (WARNING: The songs are too damn catchy; you will hum The Cake Song until the day you die.)
Anyway, my mom is off in Aruba with my aunt and her family, so Dad is housesitting with us this week!
And who else is anxious for Tuesday to arrive?! A meeting with Rand is great enough (I have no idea what to ask him), but this extra surprise has got me excited!
While I wouldn't say the night was fantastic (the dance floor wasn't fully opened because of a bachelorette party going on at the other end of the club, and half my group were fuddieduddies that didn't want to dance), I had a nice time. See, I was very shy in high school (oh wait, I'm still shy), and I honestly didn't know if people would even remember me. But quite a few did, so I'd consider the evening a success.
It brought up quite a few memories: MCAS, dances, proms, playing tag during the football games, the fun teachers, the arsons and the post-Columbine bomb scares (Good times! No, seriously, they were. They got us out of school for the day and I have fond memories of spending time with my friends). Before high school, I was a shy loner who only had a friend or two. But my days at North Quincy High was the first time I had an entire group of people I could call good

And going off on a completely different tangent, what in God's name is up with that Nick Jr. show Lazytown?? I watched it On Demand on a whim, and I was speechless. The puppets are creepy as hell, and the humans aren't much better. I knew it was popular, but I couldn't figure out why. At least until I saw the actor who plays the superhero (pic on the left--he's got ice-blue eyes and a sweet Icelandic accent). Now I know why moms are so eager to watch this show with their kids! (WARNING: The songs are too damn catchy; you will hum The Cake Song until the day you die.)
Anyway, my mom is off in Aruba with my aunt and her family, so Dad is housesitting with us this week!
And who else is anxious for Tuesday to arrive?! A meeting with Rand is great enough (I have no idea what to ask him), but this extra surprise has got me excited!
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